09 April 2012

Outfit: Annapolis Street Style

Annapolis is a preppy town.

It is a land where people spend more money on their boats than their houses. No outfit is complete without a pair of pearl earrings, and Annapolitans started wearing Sperrys long before you had ever heard of them. Annapolis is a town where blue crabs have their own section of the food pyramid. Old Bay is coveted; Annapolitans put it on everything. They wear Rainbows year round, and khakis with a nice shirt is considered dressed up.

Annapolitans are slightly (ok, extremely) obsessed with lacrosse. Kids are basically raised with a lacrosse stick in one hand and a crab net in the other. The Preakness, the Army/Navy game, the Boat Show, Raft Up, Polar Bear Plunge, and the Army vs. St. John's croquet match are the highlights of their year and the days they live for. Annapolitans are not really sure if they're in the North or the South--it's debatable. Booze cruising is a common activity.

I feel that this outfit really captures the style of many Annapolitan girls. It is versatile and boat-ready. Annapolitans are preppy yet casual, but they know how to dress up. Of course, no Annapolis outfit is complete without the ultimate accessory: a dog. Annapolis is one of the most dog-friendly towns in America.

"Annapolis: a drinking town with a sailing problem."Annapolis Street StyleRalph Lauren Blue label, £109